

OMG best poll ever! Finally I could get all my pent up feelings out without showing face!
— a 6-9
I didn’t really have my own takes, but I thought adding some EU typings would spice it up, hehe.
— a bored person
  • Silverwolf (6w7 4w3 9w1)

    learn what heart types do and try again.

  • Katie (why contra?), Sophie (could be spsx 3w4), Larissa (not 8 fixed), Zampii (not sosx, probably spsx or maybe sxsp, 3w2 fix)

    Giovanni loves his Larissa typing!

  • larissa has a 1 fix, bisou has more frustration than just wings (BDE), werejesus is synflow, annie has a 9w1 fix

    this aged well

  • knulla is sxsp


  • ALL the goblin girlies are...A TEN uwu 💙💙💙

    that u danny?

  • Larissa 714 Sosp


  • skylee - core 9 stockholm

    6-9 be soup

  • @mauraliller6 is 692

    no, NMT said she's 592 sp/so. watch her verdict here

  • @knulla is 9 core with 45 fixes.

    fourty-five fixes? so special 🥵

  • ragingmollusc@ is 9 core with 73 fixes

    we get it, @eu fan, we get it

  • @pale_valkyrie is 9 core with 47 fixes

    she who must not be named is clearly an so/sx 549

  • @wolvengaldr is 9 core with 63 fixes

    she does have a rr side

  • kimjansen24 = 862


  • Knulla is 469

    only when pmdd

  • Larissa is a so/sx 631


  • Kiernan is 2

    triple rejection baddie

  • bisou = 3w2

    let me guess, 7 fix?

    uh yes so triple pozzie adjacent, all the good vibes!

  • I think myrainingtears is a 6w5 and probably has 9w1 and 3w4 fixes

    u think too much, annie

  • Larissa — 1w2 fixed

    cries in jp

  • Sophie is 9 core. Her immediate response to most things is positivity/withdrawal rather than frustration/reactivity. Her reactivity usually serves 9 attachment.

    'Her reactivity serves her attachment' - learn about heart shame, Holly.

    The withdrawn scramble is a strong preference for the internal world, the compulsion to be stimulated inwardly rather than outwardly. All withdrawn types withdraw to limit their engagement with the present to protect their weak ego boundaries from overwhelm. 4 has a crippling filter of shame and self-consciousness over which of these internal landscapes can be expressed and how as the self-image of being a mystery that’s impossible to place complicates and construes any self-expression. Through reflexive withdrawal, filtering and assessing the 4’s ability to participate and function is so awfully limited. I shall positively withdraw from this pretend-smart take, you mistyped competency wannabe.

  • Sofie SPSO 4w3 5w6 1w9

    lilysolde 🫶

  • Zampii


  • I did it wrong the first time. Zampii: 1w9/2w1/5w4 sx/so

    we did it right the first time. Holly: 9w1/6w7/4w5 sp/so 💌

  • Larissa is the anonymous 6. That's some next level trolling, Larissa.

    aaaaand now you're besties with her! uwu

  • the sp/sx 4 might be an sp/sx 5

    try 9 tbh

  • Zampii is not a superego type. He positively reframes all of his horrendous statements without superego justification. The justification is a disturbing distance between the reality of his concepts. It’s all a fantasy becoming increasingly darker because his social and attachment work in his favour by perfecting the Dark Edgelord persona.


  • Larissa doesn’t seem to get 1


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