so you think you’re a 7…

by Regal Beagle (so/sp 7w6 1w2 2w3)

Lately on r/Enneagram I have been noticing a sharp uptick in the number of people typing or considering that 7 may be their core type. They often focus on things such as being upbeat and positive, impulsivity, excess in consumption, and being scattered as their reasons for “relating” to Type 7. However, none of these things really quite capture the type structure nor do they address the specific behaviors that 7s tend to employ that aren’t captured in many descriptions of the type.



7s belong to the head center which helps us cope with and regulate our fears; fears about death, survival, belonging, being loved, the future, existence, y’know, simple easy to navigate things. As a consequence head types tend to focus much of their energy in. . .well. . .their heads! For Type 7 much of the energy is concentrated in the face, especially the mouth and the eyes. They tend to be very expressive and animated because of this both with their frustration and their joy. Further, Type 7 tends to “lead” with the face while active. This means that when they are going into activity the face is often the first thing that moves before the rest of the body. 7s are the people who will frequently look around and scan the waiting room; the 7 often doesn’t realize they are doing this but this is the type playing out and searching for any opportunities for distraction from the tedium of sitting there. (An aside, 6s also tend to automatically scan rooms but for different reasons)

 Being part of the head center also means that 7s filter reality through their mental capabilities. Philosophies, concepts, self-created frameworks (7s very rarely subscribe to any particular view of the world and tend to have something eclectic that makes sense to them), and reasoning are the ways in which they attempt to navigate reality. Other types can obviously utilize these things in how they navigate the world but the quality and application are markedly different [1]. Keep in mind though that in the head triad 7s are the type that underutilizes the head center. They are very quick to trust their own theories, ideas, reasoning, and abilities and thus suffer from instant expert syndrome throughout their lives. Three weeks of kind of reading about something and they’re ready to turn it into an entrepreneurial venture! Compared with the other two types in the head triad, 7s can come off as overly confident, arrogant, or cocksure of their ideas. When/if they discover they were 100 percent wrong about something the standard response is “oh well!”. Intellectual rigor is not automatically interesting to 7s [2] and they can spin being wrong into a funny story so why should they care?


 The assertive triad is typically described as moving against others to get what they want. This is an insufficient description. The assertive triad are the three types that take up space when they are in the room; they are the people who know what they want and go for it as soon as they can. In general this results in a zero sum game if what they want isn’t in alignment with other people. All three assertive types (3/7/8) will engage in open conflict in order to achieve their goals; compromise is not a word readily available in the vocabulary of the assertive triad.

 In type 7 this manifests in several ways that the 7 is often unaware of until it is pointed out to them. Most notably, 7s are notorious for “accidentally” bulldozing and bullying their friends. Sarah Silverman (a 7) wrote about an incident in her book “The Bedwetter” in which her best friend finally snapped one day and chewed her out for always bossing her around and telling her what to do. In the 7s assertive stance they may also be prone to throwing what amount to tantrums if they don’t get what they want. It is usually something of a false emotion though; the feelings fade very quickly after and the 7 typically expects everyone to just move past the diva moment as quickly as they did. For a great example of this consider watching Alaska’s meltdown on RuPaul’s Drag Race. This behavior results from a disconnection from their heart/image center combining with their fearful mental center; 3s and 8s do not really engage in this sort of behavior though because (as you can see in the clip) the tantrum like behavior is stemming from the fear of deprivation being triggered and the wild behavior that a person in the grip of fear displays. 3s are too protective of their image to engage in this unless pushed to an absolute emotional meltdown, and 8s tend to take on a “fuck you” mentality and when/if they explode it is markedly less hysterical.

This disconnection from the heart is an important thing to note when examining the overall structure of the 7. The heart center is the intelligence in us that notes how we are reflecting our values, relating to and appearing before others, managing our emotions, and how we craft an image in the eyes of others (sorry Daria, we all have an image we craft). This remains true whether or not you are social last or first, and the style of image you craft depends on your heart fix (with the 3-fixed heart being the most flexible). Within the 7 (and the 8) being disconnected from the heart results in them taking actions and saying things that are in direct contradiction to what that gooey heart center holds dear (in the assertive triad 3s are the ones with a complicated relationship to the center since they aren’t disconnected. They’re compartmentalized). This is what enables the 7 to easily chase what they want. There is very little energy or attention given to whether something is in alignment with that tender heart space. Bringing a 7 into connection with their heart can cause an immense amount of grief for them. All the times they’ve betrayed their sense of values wounds them, and the shame, that until connecting to the heart they’ve been cut off from, for violating their sense of image can overpower them. The emotional reactions to the connection are surprising to them as well; 7s are prone to having Teflon-like emotions that slide off quickly and connection to the heart prevents that (for a bit). 7s are assertive types and they neglect the heart. Sooner or later they have to start facing and dealing with the pain and shame of that which they’ve neglected.


 This is quite possibly one of the most misunderstood aspects of the 7 within the Enneagram community. Many people suppose that positive outlook means that a person exhibits stark positivity, stays upbeat, and is friendly. . .nice. This simply is not the case. Positive outlook types (2, 7, and 9) are called such because when faced with difficulties and problems they will automatically find a way to shift it into a net positive. Even if their initial reaction is sadness, frustration, or shock, the silver-lining is being sought out through the center they reside in. Within 7, being a positive outlook type AND an assertive type leads to a lot of very callous, insensitive, or even unintentionally cruel behavior when faced with others’ problems; they try to brighten it and fix it so you both can move on to more fun and interesting things. When faced with their own problems it can lead to a surprising amount of resiliency and chutzpah. It might mean they sink way too much energy and hope into something due to the silver-lining they see, but it leads to a quick recovery time after a “defeat” (though the 7 would be loathe to call it that). Even if the 7 is cynical about the world they likely feel very positive towards their own prospects.

 When it comes to others what can make the 7 seem cruel is two-fold. The first is that the 7 is likely to downplay or try to circumvent the pain the other person is feeling through their positive outlook lens. As they get older and more self-aware they may be able to suppress this tendency and sit with other people’s pain but that’s something that they have to develop. The second comes from being assertive + positive outlook. If they give you advice (7s almost always think their advice is incredible), you ignore it, and your problem persists, they will not want to talk to you about that particular issue any longer. They just won’t. They told you what to do, you didn’t do it, onto the next thing [3]. For attachment types (3, 6, and 9) this can feel especially hurtful because it gives the impression the 7 doesn’t care about that individual. That isn’t so. The 7 simply doesn’t want to dwell on that particular problem of yours anymore and it is annoying them when you bring it up.

 One last note about how positive outlook manifests in 7 in a very dark way. If a 7 feels that there is no possible way to spin whatever problem they are facing into a potential positive or a chance for a new venture or a new story they will rapidly slide into depression. If they stay there long enough and can’t get out it will often lead to suicidal ideation. This is the dark side of the positive outlook stance for mental types.


 Frustration and 7s; a match made in hell. Like all frustration types 7s are inherently dissatisfied with the state of reality itself. Like the 1s that they share a line with, 7s can be quite particular about how things should be done and very insistent that others do them that way [4]. To do it any other way can ruin the fantasy of the experience that the 7 has built up for themselves and therefore serves as another ugly reminder that reality does not bend to one’s idea of how things should be. If you are the one who wound up giving them that reminder? Hide. Especially if they are 7w8.

 Often times people confuse the frustration stance with feelings of frustration. While those in the frustration triad are more prone to literal feelings of frustration the true sense of frustration stems from how the 7 processed their nurturing caregiver from a very early age. The 7 was not being seen and attended to properly, so the 7 begins to internalize that if they want to be satisfied they must nurture themselves. The root of this stance stems from that internalization. However, the original wound still plays on repeat within them, so even their own self-nurturing is ultimately unsatisfactory. When in the grip of their ego nurturance from any source cannot be truly satisfactory. Reality itself becomes a landscape of both hope, possibility, excitement, and utter and total disappointment (to immediately be shifted away from and towards the next shiny thing). For frustration types legitimate joy and satisfaction is rare; in the 7 pleasure must stand-in as a patchwork facsimile.

A Few Quirks and Tendencies

 It would make this incredibly longer than it already is to list every observation, but here are a few quirks and tendencies that I’ve observed in many of the 7s I’ve met.


 Much more than other types, the 7 is extremely prone to addiction and excess in all manner of substances, pleasures, and emotions. The most noticeable form of addiction within the 7 is addiction to psychoactive substances. Alcohol is a fairly common problem for many 7s with some having issues with binge drinking when they do drink and others descending into full blown alcohol use disorder. Substances with stimulating/upper effects also tend to be rather addictive for the 7 such as cocaine and nicotine. 7s are also likely to dabble in psychedelics, though these don’t tend to prove a problem for them.

 Sex and love are other arenas where the 7 may find themselves particularly addicted. Pornography can become a big problem for some 7s decreasing overall intimacy with their partner(s)[5], and they can likewise become addicted to the thrill and novelty of having sex with a new person. This can result in a lot of risky sexual behavior especially if the 7’s substance of choice is involved. In terms of love and romance there may be a tendency to chase that initial “new relationship energy” that lasts for anywhere from a few months to a few years. This can lead the 7 to behaviors such as ethical nonmonogamy, monogamish behavior, or just outright cheating and having an affair. The thrill, the rush, the stimulation, the butterflies, the fawning attention, the experience is all too delectable to let go of. An average 7 may become extremely addicted to these feelings; although sexual 7s tend to be a bit more discriminating than social or self-preservation 7s.

New Age, Occultism, and Conspiracy Theories: 7 Fringe

For whatever reason 7s (especially 7w6) seem particularly drawn to new age practices, various forms of occultism and/or Paganism, and tend to have a few pet conspiracy theories. I’m going to briefly address these tendencies individually but they all stem from the lovely combo of assertive core + mental type with a little positive outlook sprinkled in.


 Conspiracy theories are often associated with type 6 due to their heightened vigilance and tendency to want a framework of meaning overlaid across reality. However, 7s can be just as prone to conspiracy theories as 6s with the major difference being that 7s rely on themselves and cobble something together as a unique spin on the theory (typically). Or if you are a 7w8 you might just invent your own! What fun. On an interpersonal level you can see this when 7s create an elaborate storyline about why their boss hates them or is trying to sabotage them when in fact, their boss is just dumb. The 7, however, isn’t looking for feedback on whether this line of reasoning is uh. . .reasonable but rather just talking at you about what’s going on in their brain. Different from reactivity this sort of info/story dumping occurs from the think-do cycle 7s are typically locked into. Then on a national and international level you might be able to really get them on a thought train to Pleaseshutthefuckupville that is a smattering of things they’ve read or listened to synthesized into their own idiosyncratic conclusions. Typically, they won’t be particularly receptive to your feedback on their ideas. So don’t bother. They implicitly trust their conclusions and it typically takes their own initiative to re-evaluate them

P.S. Sometimes conspiracy theories are true such as the CIA and MK-Ultra or the CIA and FBI targeting Black communities for destabilization and illegal experimentation or the various psyop stuff the U.S. government has done with the intent of targeting and demonizing ethnic, racial, and sexual minorities.


 Out of the three, I consider this the most benign “fringe” thing that 7s are prone to getting involved in (though, I might be biased since I’m an occultist and Hellenic Pagan ;3 ). 7s are often drawn to these practices because they are exciting, regarded as unusual, and require a great deal of trusting your own mental capabilities and intuition [6]. Moreover, getting started just takes you having a bit of initiative and just doing it. There is a thrill in getting to hone a craft on your own and finding a way to evaluate how you are doing. While not all 7s are going to be interested in the occult or Paganism, most I’ve talked to have at least had more than a passing curiosity about it.

 On the low-side of this, 7s may also be particularly prone to getting scammed by the unscrupulous in these communities (they exist!). The assertive + positive outlook stances lead to someone who doesn’t default to being suspicious about something interesting and exciting they are being told. There is very rarely a voice that speaks up to them and says “this might be fake” because they want to believe the person is honest and that they are going to get to experience/have/learn this cool thing. Buying fake gems and herbs, impulsively signing up for retreats that are zero percent what was advertised, and of course misinformation and “special initiations” sold for a premium. All things 7s may be prone to falling victim to though many would be loathe to admit it. Sometimes the self-generated fantasy is just too intoxicating.


 7s, especially social 7s and triple-positive 7s, may be particularly drawn to new age practices due to factors like envisioning the future you want to have and bringing it to be, healing one’s spirit to be more present, the utopian ideals, and the general positive vibes in this community. For 7s there is something that can be very reassuring about engaging in practices which purport to only need vision and belief; after doing that enough what you want will be “drawn to you”. There is an inherent sense that the world and universe is full of abundance to be given to you, which is attractive to the 7 [7].

 Like within occultism and Paganism though, 7s are particularly prone to being scammed in this community because of their positive framing, especially once they are excited by the possibilities. Why check out a person’s supposed lineage and credentials when you are fired up to try what they’ve been talking about? They may also be prone to overspending when getting involved with New Age practices due to the hefty price tag many of these workshops, retreats, and consultations carry with them. The cost is disregarded as, again, the universe is full of abundance and what you spend will obviously be brought back to you.


 While a particular 7 may not be involved in any of these communities, they do tend to be rather attractive due to the 7’s type structure. They engage the 7’s mental excitability at the very least and they also tend to play on the 7’s assertiveness and positive outlook stances. Moreover, the core of these stem from the excitability of the mental center and fear of missing out on something interesting combining with the “I can have it/do it” assertive stance causing 7s to tread where other types may be more reluctant (restrained? too thoughtful? not thoughtful enough?) to go.

The Hunger (Thanks Contrapoints!)

 The YouTuber Contrapoints has a great video that gives some insight into the inner insatiability of the 7 (I’ve typed her as a so/sp 7w6/1w2/4w3). For some 7s, this insatiability is something they are acutely aware of, for some it is something they deny, but unless they’ve done a lot of work on themselves it will be there and it will demand. Many authors choose to describe this as a void or an inner emptiness but I choose to describe it differently. It is a black hole. A black hole is an incredibly dense and heavy thing, so heavy that not even light can escape. It is a burning, raging, energy giving star that has collapsed in on itself. It is not empty, there is so much there just pulling in everything it can. All the longing, hopefulness, frustration, disappointment, and repressed fear consuming all it can in a desperate attempt to go back to the star it once was. This is truly the burden of the 7 that most are unaware of. The heavy heart of living in a reality that you are both mesmerized by, excited by, and disappointed by combined with the knowledge (subconscious or conscious) that once something has passed that edge and been sucked in, it might as well be gone. The naive and unacknowledged pain carrying that heaviness around causes as it lingers in your shadow.

 This is the darkness of the supposedly shiny 7. This is what makes the 7 irritable, calloused, rude, and mean sometimes. However, it isn’t all bad! With a lot of work (work I continually struggle with) the 7 can escape from their own inner sucking gravity and open up to truly appreciating experiences, people, and ideas in the present moment without them getting squashed into the black hole. The goal isn’t to re-ignite the star; that star collapsed when you were a child and isn’t coming back. The goal is to just have space for things and people and ideas to be just what they are in that present moment. Which is hard enough to let happen for even two minutes (I don’t get how people live like this).

There are more things I would like to add, but this is long enough already. Maybe a part two in the future.

Signs You Aren’t a Seven

  • Lack of arrogance. All three frustration types (1,4,7) have an arrogant, “I know best” quality to their interactions no matter how hard they try to hide it (if they try to hide it at all, that is). 7s are prone to one-upsmanship, bragging, and dismissing other’s opinions as well as over-inflating their knowledge and exaggerating their stories.

  • Inability to assert one’s self. Contrary to the writings of some, 7s are not particularly conflict avoidant; this is especially true when it comes to getting what they want. 7s don’t go-along-to-get-along; it’s their money and they need it now.

  • You lack a string of unfinished projects. 7s are prone to quitting or giving up after the initial thrill of a new project wears off. They do finish things sometimes but they’ve likely started far more than they’ve finished

  • Consistent belief that life is bleak. 7s are optimistic about their own prospects even if they are pessimistic about other people. Seeing life as dreary, bleak, and horrible as your default points away from 7.

  • You don’t enjoy attention. 7s are notorious for wanting to be the center of attention, even when social last. They like to dazzle and entertain.

  • The rigid definition of a label is important to you. 7s like to play with labels and identities in the way that they see fit if they are interested in those labels at all. They insist upon their own definition and use it as they please (assertive + mental). Funnily, the definitions of words they don’t apply to themselves are more rigid to them (especially if social or 1-fixed).

  • You are reluctant to try new things. Every 7 I’ve met has tried a smorgasbord of different foods and has dipped their toes into the lakes of every hobby that briefly caught their eye for even 18 seconds. 7s like trying new stuff, beep boop, end of story.

  • “Relating” is high on your priority list of how you type yourself. 7s can relate, they are human after all, but they are also hugely fixated on themselves. “Relating” may be on the list but it usually isn’t very high.

  • You get into relationships by the book or through some dating tactic. When a 7 is getting into a relationship it tends to not involve much strategy (they underutilize the mental center and this is one of the arenas it shows) and can be rather unconventional. They also can be very intense at the start. Alternatively, the 7 may ward off any romantic connection out of fear of being trapped by it, instead opting for casual companionship and sex.

  • You “follow your heart [fix]”. By default 7s use their gut to fuel their mental shenanigans and largely ignore their heart. 7s who’ve opened up that space can bring it into decision making but largely, the 7 isn’t using that center very much. To some 7s it may feel like they are “following their heart” consistently but either A) They are confusing the intelligence of the heart space for their gut or B) They’re a 6 or a 9 who has mistyped. Remember, within the Enneagram your heart fix is how you manage your sense of identity and how you shape how and why others see you. 7s have difficulty following this intelligence and it being threatened in a way they recognize can cause a bewildering reaction in the 7.

[1] I’ll write more about this in a future post
[2] Please note the lines to 1 and 5 for type 7. They are highly capable of being intellectually rigorous. It just isn’t that important.
[3] Being a frustration type also plays into this.
[4] This primarily stems from them being frustration and assertive. 7s with a 1 fix may be particularly prone to this sort of behavior.
[5] I’m not against pornography per se, but excessive consumption of porn generates problems for the individual both personally and interpersonally.
[6] This is especially appealing to the 7 because of the mind-gut loop they engage in. The 7 uses their gut to fuel the possibilities and activities they might be engaged in. That’s why 7s often engage in a think-do mentality, and this is also why 7s have a tendency to just say what they are thinking regardless of context.
[7] This belief, whether true or not, is an overcompensation for the black hole that many 7s feel inside of themselves. Life is full, let me suck it all in.

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