The Law of Three & The Scrambling of Forces

by Sofie, sp/so 4w3 5w6 9w1

“In all ancient teaching the first demand at the beginning of the way to Liberation was: Know Thyself” (G. Gurdjieff)

There is a Secret Path in the Enneagram.

The first stage represents a journey of self knowledge, to know the self in all the three triads: heart, body & mind. This first stage of the work is represented by the central triangle in the Enneagram.

The second stage - to "Know The Other" (To Understand) - is the journey to complete the octave through the Law of 7 which represent different styles of Object Relations and their lines of connection. This second stage of the work is represented by the hexad in the Enneagram.

The third stage - "Know That We All Are One and There Is No Separation" (To Be) - of the work is to realise that you and the other enneatypes are One and there is no separation. It is represented by the large outer circle in the Enneagram that encompasses and unites all the nine types.


The Triangle represents our personal journey of heart, mind and body we must study to know ourselves. For Gurdjieff, it also represents the higher levels of the enneagram, the primary types being the purest form of center wisdom.

It also represents shock points that request a higher level of awareness and input - a change of course - to proceed from 3 to 6 to 9 and complete the triangular discovery.

First, we must know ourselves and all three of our centers. Then, we must grow through study of the Enneagram’s types and lines in an octave through the hexad symbol, to eventually know that the Enneagram is not a static symbol, it is a perpetual movement contained by the Law of One - there is no separation from other types and and type strategies - all is in triad, three forces weaving one being, one reality.

To Know - To Grow - To Be.

What is it we do not know? What is it which is hiding from our sight when we are trapped in the scramble of the active and passive force? - The Hidden Force, the disconnected center, the instinctual blindspot.

To know the the next step, we need to have a shock moment of suffering. Suffering transforms into wisdom.

From singular identity (3) to the conceptualisation of self vs. other in a structure (6) to a higher form of sentient being (9) we have to put in an extra effort of shock and effort in order to advance. This is not just happening while completing the triangle, all layers of the enneagram, the triangle, the hexad and the circle, are progressing simulatenously, they are three layers unfolding at the same time.

The Law of Seven is represented by the Hexad in the symbol, each of the seven points connected towards two others, following an octave that culminates in the origin type or stage of being - as we can observe when 'walking the lines' of our type, moving through the seven stages of growth, consolidation, and decline. 1 - 7 - 5 - 8 - 2 - 4 - 1 as a sequence of seven intervals, leading back to its origin type but in an altered or higher state, quite like playing an ascending octave: Each step requires effort, every single note of an octave contains another whole octave on a different level. Within vibrations there are ‘inner vibrations’, inner octaves that interpenetrate and affect each other in the same way that words convey factual information but the tone of voice conveys a more subtle level of information. 1 going to 7 containing aspects of 7, but 7 in itself containing aspects of 5 and so forth. Layer after layer unfolding, our type is being interpenetrated by the types along the hexad lines.

Regardless of whether we are a core triangle or hexad type, the movements on triangle, hexad and circle affect us in our journey for completion.

3 moving to 6 in growth is affected by the neighbouring types 2 and 4, which are affected by their lines to 8 and 1, which are affected by their lines to 5 and 7 - each movement is affected by deeper layers of movement. All is One.

The wisdom of All being One can be broken down into the Law of Three - herein lies the key to completion and understanding. The hexad lines - the Law of 7 - represent a chain of related events that unfold without our doing. The triangle is our personal story of intent and growth, while the hexad is a vibration of ascending and descending octaves that affect us, but we cannot influence the movement from our trinity. The way the personality blinds us is through an inflexible grasp onto the active force and the passive/denying force that restricts positive will or motivation. This is the scramble of centers and the distortion of the highest forms of 3D intelligence (369 unscrambled).

So what is the practical application?

To know thyself, know your invisible force.

Harmonic Rule:

Competency (135) subjugates the heart - heart shield

Positive (279) subjugates the gut - body shield

Reactive (468) subjugates the mind - mind shield

Hornevian Rule:

Assertive (378) separates the heart - worth sensitive

Superego (126) separates the mind - certainty sensitive

Withdrawn (459) separates the body - boundary sensitive

Object Relations:

Attachment (369) adapts to object to be seen/guided

Frustration (147) self-parents the lack to self-see/guide

Rejection (258) amputates the lack to exist without

Law of 7 - The Hexad Octave


Law of 7 - The Hexad Octave 🔻

Type 1

Center: 1 is a body type. Body types want to autonomously impact their holding environment and move freely through life. If they are impacted in their boundaries between self and world, they rage.

Object Strategy: 1 is a frustration type. Frustration types self-parent the need the external object does not provide in an uncompromising stance of correction - the object shall yield without the frustration type adapting towards it.

Hornevian origin: 1 is a superego type. Superego types have an unfulfilling relationship to the object which provides guidance.

Harmonic coping: 1 is a competency type. Competency types subjugate the heart center in order to weigh the value of the problem and find a solution for the dissonance caused by the unproviding object.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Superego types lack guidance, so the head center is separated. The coping strategy to avoid feeling impacted by the invisible force (the head center), 1s subjugate the secondary heart to avoid rage they would otherwise sense upon realisation they are without guidance, headless body machines with bleeding hearts. The heart serves a purpose, it is a buffer between self-boundaries and the wound of being without certainty. The heart is scrambled to fortify the gut. As frustration types, 1s self-parent the lack of guidance by em-body-ing a guidance which is separate from the head, a guidance which comes from gut certainty and idealism, an enslaved heart making up values and emotions to strenghten it.

If 1s registered the separation from the head center’s guidance, they would rage. They avoid rage by enslaving (subjugating) the heart to shield the core from being wounded by uncertainty.

Body-heart-head is the order for 1, as it is a body competency superego type. Frustration is the idealism they embody to cope with a lack of guidance.

Type 2

Center: 2 is a heart type. Heart types want to weave reciprocal connections that make them feel valued for their identity. If their value isn’t mirrored to them, they feel shame.

Object Strategy: 2 is a rejection type. Rejection types cut off the need for the external object’s function - the object that is unproviding does not exist.

Hornevian Origin: 2 is a superego type. Superego types have an unfulfilling relationship to the object which provides guidance.

Harmonic Coping: 2 is a positive type. Positive types subjugate the gut center in order to move on from the impact an object relational need has on them.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Superego types lack guidance, so the head center is separated. The coping strategy to avoid feeling impacted by the invisible force (the head center), 2s subjugate the secondary body to avoid shame they would otherwise feel upon realisation they are without guidance, thoughtless moving hearts. The body serves a purpose, it is a buffer between ego-identity and the pain of being without certainty. As rejection types, 2s cut off the lack of guidance by doubling down on the heart’s nurturing, a doing heart without a need for questioning, rules or proof. The body’s heartfelt deed is the offering they replace the mind’s guidance with.

If 2s registered the separation from the head center’s guidance, they would feel ashamed over their offerings being devoid of reason. They avoid shame by enslaving (subjugating) the body to shield the core from being wounded by uncertainty.

Heart-body-head is the order for 2, as it is a heart positive superego type. Rejection is the axe they wield to cut off their need for guidance.

Type 4:

Center: 4 is a heart type. Heart types want to weave reciprocal connections that make them feel valued for their identity. If their value isn’t mirrored to them, they feel shame.

Object Strategy: 4 is a frustration type. Frustration types self-parent the need the external object does not provide in an uncompromising stance of correction - the object shall yield without the frustration type adapting towards it.

Hornevian Origin: 4 is a withdrawn type. Withdrawn types have an unfulfilling relationship to the objects which provide guidance & nurturing. Withdrawn types can only be seen and guided by themselves internally.

Harmonic Coping: 4 is a reactive type. Reactive types subjugate the head center in order to recognise and understand the object which does not provide the need.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Withdrawn types lack guidance and nurturing, so the body center is separated. The body is the container to move through the world, the boundary between self and universe. The body cannot operate without an object that provides. It is useless, deadened and crumbled with no object relation engaging with it.

The coping strategy to avoid feeling impacted by the invisible force (the body center), 4s subjugate the secondary mind to avoid shame they would otherwise feel upon realisation they are dysfunctional, paralysed and useless, a translucent image without impact, relevance or place in the universe, an image which cannot be perceived without a body, without relationship to an external object. The mind serves a purpose, it is a buffer between ego-identity and the pain of being without impact. As frustration types, 4s self-parent the lack of guidance and nurturing in the universe by forging heart lore and meaning through self-fetishisation, the mind making up stories around the heart’s value. The mind guides the disembodied heart.

If 4s registered the separation from the body center’s force, they would be ashamed over their meaninglessness in the universe. They avoid the shame by enslaving (subjugating) the mind to shield their hearts from being without impact.

Heart-head-body is the order for 4, as it is a heart reactive withdrawn type. Frustration is the idealism they self-create with to cope with a lack of gut actualisation.

Type 5:

Center: 5 is a head type. Head types want to map the world in contextualisation which provides guidance and orientation. If their navigation is aimless, they fear losing course.

Object Strategy: 5 is a rejection type. Rejection types cut off the need for the external object’s function - the object that is unproviding does not exist.

Hornevian Origin: 5 is a withdrawn type. Withdrawn types have an unfulfilling relationship to the objects which provide guidance & nurturing. Withdrawn types can only be seen and guided by themselves internally.

Harmonic Coping: 5 is a competency type. Competency types subjugate the heart center in order to weigh the value of the problem and find a solution for the dissonance caused by the unproviding object.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Withdrawn types lack guidance and nurturing, so the body center is separated. The body is the container to move through the world, the boundary between self and universe. The body cannot operate without an object that provides. It is useless, powerless and crumbled with no object relation engaging with it.

The coping strategy to avoid feeling impacted by the invisible force (the body center), 5s subjugate the secondary heart to avoid fear they would otherwise feel upon realisation they are dysfunctional, paralysed and useless, a mind without force to propel, no fuel to actively transfer the mind’s map onto the universe, a concept which cannot be empirically proven without a body, without relationship to an external object. The heart serves a purpose, it is a buffer between contextualisation and the wound of being without impact. As rejection types, 5s reject the need of bodily impact and active exploration of the universe by creating valuable heart resonance and meaning through self-validation, the heart’s beat illuminating the darkness of the unexplored mind, giving it direction. The heart values the disembodied mind.

If 5s registered the the separation from the body center’s force, they would fear their guidance notwithstanding in the third dimension. They avoid the fear by enslaving (subjugating) the heart to shield their minds from being without impact.

Head-heart-body is the order for 5, as it is a head competency withdrawn type. Rejection is the axe they wield to cut off a need for gut actualisation.

Type 7

Center: 7 is a head type. Head types want to map the world in contextualisation which provides guidance and orientation. If their navigation is aimless, they fear losing course.

Object Strategy: 7 is a frustration type. Frustration types self-parent the need the external object does not provide in an uncompromising stance of correction - the object shall yield without the frustration type adapting towards it.

Hornevian origin: 7 is an assertive type. Assertive types have an unfulfilling relationship to the object which provides nurturing.

Harmonic coping: 7 is a positive type. Positive types subjugate the gut center in order to move on from the impact an object relational need has on them.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Assertive types lack nurturing, so the heart center is separated. The coping strategy to avoid feeling impacted by the invisible force (the heart’s vulnerability), 7s subjugate the secondary gut to avoid fear they would otherwise spiral in upon realisation they are without nurturing, heartless idea ejaculators going after invaluable treats. The gut serves a purpose, it is a buffer between self-orientation and the wound of being without nurturing. The gut is scrambled to enhance the mind. As frustration types, 7s self-parent the lack of nurturing by impulsively going after the mind’s hunger, a replacement for the heart’s tender and vulnerable need for validating reciprocation and touch. An enslaved gut pushing the mind to expand and actualise without a self-known value to be weighed up against.

If 7s registered the separation from the heart center’s softness, they would have to fear being lost in meaningless and guidance-less diffusion. They avoid fear by enslaving (subjugating) the gut to shield the core from being wounded by the dissatisfied heart.

Head-body-heart is the order for 7, as it is an head positive assertive type. Frustration is the idealism around their mind conceptualisations to replace a lack of heart nourishment.

Type 8:

Center: 8 is a body type. Body types want to autonomously impact their holding environment and move freely through life. If they are impacted in their boundaries between self and world, they rage.

Object Strategy: 8 is a rejection type. Rejection types cut off the need for the external object’s function - the object that is unproviding does not exist.

Hornevian Origin: 8 is an assertive type. Assertive types have an unfulfilling relationship to the object which provides nurturing.

Harmonic Coping: 8 is a reactive type. Reactive types subjugate the head center in order to recognise and understand the object which does not provide the need.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Assertive types lack nurturing, so the heart center is separated. The coping strategy to avoid feeling impacted by the invisible force (the heart’s vulnerability), 8s subjugate the secondary head to avoid rage they would otherwise sense upon realisation they are vulnerable and tender, instinctive machines amputated from a heart unseen. The head serves a purpose, it is a buffer between self-boundary and the wound of being without nurturing. The head is scrambled to justify the gut’s assertion. As rejection types, 8s cut off the lack of nurturing by reinforcing the body’s boundaries with mind rationales, a shield for the heart’s tender and vulnerable need for validating reciprocation and touch. An enslaved head providing cold reasoning for the body’s assertive expansion into the universe.

If 8s registered the separation from the heart center’s tenderness, they would have to rage over their hearts being unboundaried and open for evaluation. They avoid rage by enslaving (subjugating) the head to shield the core from being wounded by the yearning heart.

Body-head-heart is the order for 8, as it is a body reactive assertive type. Rejection is the axe they wield to amputate any threats to their identity.

Law of Three - The Primary Triangulation


Law of Three - The Primary Triangulation 🔺

The primary types belong to the attachment triad. Their attachment towards an external object of nurturing or guidance is rooted in them being without scramble in the core triad. We all perceive ourselves in distortion, the hexad types distort their center’s intelligence by the enslavement of a secondary center, which is dictated by the harmonic approach (competency - heart, reactive - head, positive - gut subjugated).

The primary types too each have a place in the harmonic approach to compensate for the object not providing - and based on the harmonic rule, the center being subjugated into obedience is their core center.

How does this make sense?

The subjugated (secondary) center being the core center? The passive force being the self? Which active force is the core enslaved to?

To compensate a lack of scrambling in the self, the primary types scramble in self to an external object of guidance or nurturing. This is the attachment - the self is being reduced to a function adapted towards a purpose. The purpose is being seen and guided by something other than self. The active force is the unproviding object. The passive or resisting force is the subjugated self. The invisible force is the scramble at odds with or even contradicting the attachment scramble in the core.

Type 3

Center: 3 is a heart type. Heart types want to weave reciprocal connections that make them feel valued for their identity. If their value isn’t mirrored to them, they feel shame.

Object Strategy: 3 is an attachment type. Attachment types scramble in the self with the external object they demand nurturing or guidance from. The self is in dynamic relation with the object in order to find a stance in which the triangle type is seen/guided.

Hornevian origin: 3 is an assertive type. Assertive types have an unfulfilling relationship to the object which provides nurturing.

Harmonic coping: 3 is competency type. Competency types subjugate the heart center in order to weigh the value of the problem and find a solution for the dissonance caused by the unproviding object.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Assertive types lack nurturing, so the heart center is separated… wait - 3 is a heart type, so the heart is not fully separated. It is separated from the assertive scramble of mind + body. It is separated from its undistorted origin of identity where it is vulnerable and pure. It is subjugated to an external object of nurturing.

To cope with the lack of heart access, 3s overuse the assertive scramble of mind and body. It is an unsubjugated scramble, neither center is reduced to just an enhancement. The ability of 3 to think and actualise is unstacked and enormous. The scramble is the reconciling force providing an unusual solution for the adaptation dance of the 3’s heart + object of nurturing.

To avoid feeling the shameful distortion of their core center through the adaptation gymnastics 3s are performing in the subjugation of their pure hearts, 3s scramble the head and gut. They would otherwise feel shame upon realisation they have subscribed their vulnerable identities to an external force, contaminating their own values and self-worth with dependencies. The scramble spurts what they believe creates their worth from within themselves through the actualisation of ideas that are disconnected from the heart’s authentic needs.

The heart is chained to serve a purpose, the image is a buffer between real ego-identity and the wound of being without nurturing. The head and gut are scrambled to assert value trophies that don’t trace back to the 3’s self-meaning. As attachment types, 3s contort their self-worth to an active force they desire nurturing from, unaware that the gap between self and other cannot be replaced with efficaciously positioning one’s ideas in the universe.

If 3s registered the subjugation of the heart center’s realness and separation of selfdom, they would be ashamed over not having a self-singular identity with self-important meaning. They avoid shame by enslaving (subjugating) the heart to what could provide nurturing in an exchange for results created through the head-gut scramble.

Heart-head/gut is the order for 3, as it is an attachment heart competency assertive type.

Type 6

Center: 6 is a head type. Head types want to map the world in contextualisation which provides guidance and orientation. If their navigation is aimless, they fear losing course.

Object Strategy: 6 is an attachment type. Attachment types scramble in the self with the external object they demand nurturing or guidance from. The self is in dynamic relation with the object in order to find a stance in which the triangle type is seen/guided.

Hornevian origin: 6 is a superego type. Superego types have an unfulfilling relationship to the object which provides guidance.

Harmonic coping: 6 is a reactive type. Reactive types subjugate the head center in order to recognise and understand the object which does not provide the need.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Superego types lack guidance, so the head center is separated… wait - 6 is a head type, so the head is not fully separated. It is separated from the superego scramble of heart + body. It is separated from its undistorted origin of clairvoyant insight where it is vulnerable and pure. It is subjugated to an external object of guidance.

To cope with the lack of full head access, 6s overuse the superego scramble of heart and body. It is an unsubjugated scramble, neither center is reduced to just an enhancement. The ability of 6s to passionately follow their heart’s values is boundless. The scramble is the reconciling force providing an unusual solution for the adaptation metronome of the 6’s head wisdom to the external object of guidance.

To avoid feeling their reasoning enslaved to an exogenous object, 6s scramble the heart and body. They would otherwise fear upon realisation they have subscribed their reasoning to an external power, limiting their wisdom to an attached belief. The scramble feeds what they believe follows logic that is irrefutable, a heart conviction that is actualised, inerrant in its meaningful emotional undercurrent; while their real minds are flickering in a tiring chase for the original light source.

The head is chained to serve a purpose, the head is a buffer between infallible guidance and the wound of being without. The head will question and dissect every source, every object of insight, it will find reason to point at the unreasonable, it will perpetually create a problem between self and the active force. As attachment types, 6s compromise their head intelligence to the study of an external object, subconsciously striving to land on an ultimate truth. Yet truth is found not in relation between knowing and universe, not in crossing out all faulty connection links, but in grounding the head wisdom with the body’s intuition or the heart’s values. Objective truth is nonexistent, and cannot be replaced by a doing heart following what is subjectively righteous.

If 6s registered the subjugation of the head center’s certainty, they would fear having walked an erroneous path of lies and treachery. They avoid fear by enslaving (subjugating) the head to reactively question every object of guidance that presents itself to them, verifying every belief they attach to while acting out in contradictory patterns of passionate heart deeds.

Head-heart/gut is the order for 6, as it is an attachment head reactive superego type.

Type 9

Center: 9 is a body type. Body types want to autonomously impact their holding environment and move freely through life. If they are impacted in their boundaries between self and world, they rage.

Object Strategy: 9 is an attachment type. Attachment types scramble in the self with the external object they demand nurturing or guidance from. The self is in dynamic relation with the object in order to find a stance in which the triangle type is seen/guided.

Hornevian origin: 9 is a withdrawn type. Withdrawn types have an unfulfilling relationship to the objects which provide guidance & nurturing. Withdrawn types can only be seen and guided by themselves internally.

Harmonic coping: 9 is a positive type. Positive types subjugate the gut center in order to move on from the impact an object relational need has on them.

The center ordering can be succinctly detected in object relation, hornevian and harmonic triad:

Withdrawn types lack guidance and nurturing, so the body center is separated… wait - 9 is a body type, so the body is not fully separated. It is separated from the withdrawn scramble of head + heart. It is separated from its undistorted origin of intuition where it is vulnerable and pure. It is subjugated to an external object of nurturing and guidance.

To cope with the lack of body access, 9s overuse the withdrawn scramble of heart and mind. It is an unsubjugated scramble, neither center is reduced to just an enhancement. The ability of 9s to create internal universes through meaningful symbolism is unparalleled. The scramble is the reconciling force providing an unusual solution for the adaptation dance of the 9’s gut power to the external object(s).

To avoid feeling their boundaries compromised and contorted to the universe’s impact on them, 9s scramble the head and heart. They would otherwise feel rage upon realisation they have subscribed their life force to an external power, limiting their impact with giving a relation dominion over their autonomy. The scramble feeds what they believe creates sovereignty that is ungovernable, an internal world in which the 9 is the only divine authority, infinite and unlimited to expand; while their real bodies are powerless and inhibited to move.

The body is chained to serve a purpose, the gut is a buffer between life force and the wound of being without nurturing or guidance in the world. The gut can be a dead shield pushed between what is compromising the 9’s autonomy, stubbornly delaying, evading or slowing down what the object is demanding of them. The head and heart are scrambled to weave internal solar systems that cannot lose gravity to a force in the external world. As attachment types, 9s compromise their life force to the gravitational pull of an external object, subconsciously striving for a balance between the self and the exogenous. Yet collisions between self-agency and universe cannot be avoided through careful pauses and movements. The chaos and imbalance cannot be compensated with world-building in the depths of their heart-head scramble, as those worlds do not impact the universe they demand to be seen and held by.

If 9s registered the subjugation of the body center’s autonomy and separation of vigor, they would be outraged over not being a conqueror of the world. They avoid rage by enslaving (subjugating) the gut to weakly dissociate from its power, fleeing into poignant story weaving in the heart-head scramble.

Body-heart/head is the order for 9, as it is an attachment body positive withdrawn type.

To summarise: There is always a scramble. No center is ever untouched by a second influence. The harmonic triad determines which center is scrambled into the active force, which center is subjugated to serve a purpose. The hornevian triad determines which center is separated through its problem with the correlating object relation.

The hexad types are tightly trapped in their scramble, finding self-grounding backup through the subjugation of their secondary (harmonic) center. The hornevian center in its problematic relation to an external object is disregarded, yet it influences them deeply. The hexads are just as vulnerable by the invisible force as they are in their active force: 1 and 2 are extremely vulnerable about their lack of certitude, 4 and 5 are extremely sensitive in the boundary space, 7 and 8 are extremely sensitive in the heart space. The subjugated center is their shield. 4 and 5 will not react with a body shield when affected in the boundary space, they will use the subjugated head/heart to convince them of their value/clarity when a separated body issue infringes upon them. They will react in shame/fear.

The attachment types are not as simple, as their hornevian group separates their self from its core center. It is not separated or disregarded completely as it is for hexads, it is subjugated to an object as a buffer to protect the self from being impacted by the lack of a self-induced scramble. The core, separated and subjugated center being the same, a 9 will react with rage when boundaries are threatened, and put their gut in between the self and the object that attacks autonomy (in obstination, withholding, slowing down).

This is how you can distinguish between the hexad and triangle types when typing somebody - which subjugated (buffer) center aids them if you jeopardise their hornevian/separated center? Which center (heart, mind or body) reacts in shame, fear or rage and is it the same as the center you impaired?

What to do with all these words and the ominous prospect of All being One once we’ve grown understanding of the three forces?

You need to understand the scramble to locate the hidden force, enneachild. If you understand the scramble in yourself, you will understand it in your object relational triad, your hornevian group and your harmonic approach and thus, like completing a puzzle, you will understand it in all the 9 enneagods.

For the hexad types, the core center is the active force. The subjugated center is the passive force, the separated center is the invisible force.

For the triangle types, the core center is the passive force, resisting and denying being seen/held by their relational external object, adapting towards it, subjugating its own power. The motivation or active force is to be satisfied by the object. The triangle’s invisible force is the scramble of their other two centers, unattached to the object, compensating for the unfulfilled need to be seen or held in unfulfilling ways.

Do not make the mistake to think that scramble is dictating a prioritisation. All three forces impact us equally, the invisible force is a force as strong as the active and passive.

Know thyself. Know your scramble.

The Enneagram combines the Laws of One, Three and Seven, offering insight into both the 'lost piece' and the principle of two additional shocks that are needed for growth. The Law of Three determines the character and nature of a vibration or psychological state and the Law of Seven determines how vibrations develop, interact and change. An octave is a repetitive motion. A succession of waves may be building up or dying away — forming an ascending or a descending octaave. Each wave is similar but different to the one before and the one after.To prevent vibrations from fading within an octave, the direction of force must be modified twice, at point 3 and point 6. If an additional shock coincides with the hexad’s octave’s vibrations at the right moment, it will continue along its primary direction without losing its nature. If not, the direction will change, the vibrations will fade, and its movement will become circular. The shocks either happen by chance or through acting from will and intent when we move through the centers - when we determine and break the scramble.


The Social Instinct