9w1 vs. 9w8

by Sofie, sp/so 4w3 5w6 9w1

9w8 is a blunt axe, 9w1 is a rapier.

9w1 has superego about being a 9, it’s frustrated with the lack of harmony in its holding environment and seeks to reform others and self: That’s not right/moral/conscientious (frustration + superego), and it is on me to change that (frustration + competency). The 9w1 vibe is frail, elvish, statuesque. 9w1 needs to fulfill its inner standards to allow for 9 dissociation, the literal example of this is 9w1 comes home feeling depleted but has to clean the flat first and improve the chill experience in order to chill “properly.“

9w1 fixers are apologetic and self-conscious about any slack they show in the body center (“sorry I didn’t reply sooner, the day was insane“ - classic 9w1 withdrawn ghosting justification).


9w8 is less vulnerable/irritable, the lack of competency/frustration/superego is not putting any internal judgements on how to 9 right, less idealism or vision around the holding environment (“it is what it is, can’t change it“). More outspoken than w1, yet less refined.

Where 9w1 drops a 5-page-essay attempting to carefully streamline the internal 9 fog, 9w8 is more provocative and less verbal. They jump into discussions with short, matter-of-factly statements and wait if someone picks up the ball. Rejection gives 9w8 the gift of giving way less fucks but the downside is the numbing that comes with having those blinders on - what you don’t see, cannot hurt you consciously, but it can still eat you up slowly. 9w1 will pick, pick, pick and has ego invested in being refined, visionary and frustrated - micro-expressions of disdain, a haughtiness, “people are so stupid,” knowing what’s right, there are standards based on common sense (is how w1 lies to 9 when in fact it’s based on its own gut-heart-feel).

9w8 has ego invested in seeing the truth (reactive) but not caring too much (rejection), quite opposite to 9w1. They present themselves as unaffected or less affected, and with reactivity (+rejection) in the mix there is an acceptance of the negative (the frustration about how things should be instead is missing), hence their pragmatism. They won’t show the same micro expressions of disdain, you’ll get glimpses of a devious assertive self-glorifying troll instead.

9w8 is way less verbal and morose, more practical with assertive gut influence. Less talking, more results - something everyone with 8 will resonate with. Everyone can talk, most people do just that and never follow through. People with 8 somewhere are more inclined to follow through than people with the more narrow, deliberative and inhibiting 9/1 gut space.

9w8 has charm, 9w1 has elegance. 9w8 thrives under stress and is good at makeshift solutions - 9w1 needs to feel organised first and wants results that take longer, but are pristine, which traps them in planning stage more than 9w8s.

At its worst, 9w8 is dim and disengaged with empty provocations, and 9w1 is paralysed, sneaky and people-pleasing.

9w8 aesthetic has its appeal in being hot but unkempt, in not putting in too much effort - natural, sensual, earthy beauty that makes others feel secure and gives them allowance to be just as sloppy but accepted - lumberjack/rascal/drifter vibes.

9w1 aesthetic has its appeal in its translucent, lofty, ghostly elegance, in conceptualising the 9 fantasy into a piece of art - a statue, a prince, a curator.

Dark 9 meme from Thomas

As a friend/listener, 9w1 offers you specific attention with abstract problem-solving competency distance and superego awareness for how your decisions may affect the greater good.

9w8 will see less of the bigger picture and focus on what it is YOU need more instead when asked for advice - it’s less judgemental and passive-aggressive and indirect, it’s challenging, simplifying and will inform you when you’ve crossed a boundary more readily.

9w1 is annoying af because they’re the hypocritical tone police.

9w8 is annoying af because they’re hard to crack open, act indifferent and sarcastic which becomes super repetitive and shallow.

9w1: “you can’t talk to me like this“ nitpicks the form and never gets to the actual conflict

9w8: “you suck“ disengages and is impossible to reach

by Sarah

from Rhiannon

9w1 is conscious that their anger affects their holding environment and thus everyone in it. That’s the superego part - a self-withholding for equilibrium.

“My own perspective is just this, one of many perspectives.“

9w8 is also self-erasing, but without a superego-driven frustration reformatory motor behind it.

“What I don’t see/numb myself from I can ignore.“

some 9 wing treasures from the god server


some 9 wing treasures from the god server 〰️

9w1 aims their criticisms at themselves too and then gets upset that since everyone clearly has such a loud inner critic just like they do that they must be ignoring it and being bastards despite it
— Gray, sosp 3w4
If I decide I’m going to do something I just go ahead and do it, without worrying about organizing and fine-tuning things - the results might be less refined but at least it’s done. If I don’t want to do something I will not do it and not waste time feeling guilty about it.
The w8 effect is to justify whatever I feel like doing; it doesn’t like saying no to itself; less of an inhibition around what is right or wrong - “if I want it, then it’s right for me” type of thing.
— Kaltra, sosx 9w8
I can think of like three 9w1s off the top of my head that I’ve been friends with and it’s insane how different we are in terms of being self-critical and apologetic.
I am so unapologetic that I’m gonna forget to apologize even if I am sorry.
— bile guzzling botfly, sosp 9w8
Also, the 9w8s get pissed off in the server and simply quit. Many don’t understand how reactivity shows up in 8: it’s making a quick assessment, then assertively handles the issue. The result is rejection, you’re being cast out of their holding environment. You don’t exist anymore. This does not require a big bombastic blow-up, especially not in withdrawn core.
We had many 9w8s leave from here after an altercation.
9w1 stays to purify and reform.
— giovanni, spso 3w4
If a 9w1 leaves, they will announce it first. Repeatedly, like an airport departure.
— Mads, sosp 5w6
I think 9w8s can be just as tone police-y, it’s more this wall-like bonk on the head of the positivity bat. It’s shutting down negativity in the self and others with a wall that eliminates further discussion.
— Omar, sosp 6w7
😎 is 9w8 while 😌 is 9w1
— Thomas, sosp 9w1

Synful and Contrabased


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